Saturday, June 20, 2015

Just one more day...just one more day..

I like to tell myself "just one more day" whenever I am dealing with unwanted, unneeded stress, which sums up the deadbeat junkie sperm donor of Jorjas. 

"Just one more day" means to me this, a day is just 24 hours of my life, about 8 are taken up with sleeping, through in working and my college work, the other hours in my day aren't that many. So if I can handle his refusal to pay child support, or call his kid, or have drug parties at his drug house where a junkie OD's, or my personal favorite him posting inappropriate things on FB about my child, his kid he's a deadbeat. Then it's just one more day....

One more day I don't have to wonder if he's going to pay child support (he's a expert summons dodger!) and he's  a junkie so no legal job there, right?!

Just one more day until I have my degree, living the life I am due. I am not going to lie, it feels amazing! I've worked hard and it will just will not be an issue if he pays or he doesn't. And to me that will be the best feeling in the world.

And if I can make it through today, staying positive working hard to the life I deserve, then it will only be just "one more day!"

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